Sibel Irzık

B.A. English Bogazici University M.A. & Ph.D. Comparative Literature Indiana University
- ArticleIrzık, Sibel (2017) "What if one day things go mad?: The unruly objects of Tanpınar's modernism", Middle Eastern Literatures, Vol.20, No.2, 198-214 (AHCI)Irzık, Sibel and Parla, Jale (2017) "Comparative literature in Turkey", Brazilian Journal of Comparative Literature, Vol.18, No.30, 121-132 (NA)
- Book Section / ChapterIrzık, Sibel, "Remembering "possibility": postmemory and apocalyptic hope in recent Turkish coup narratives", Women Mobilizing Memory, Altınay, Ayşe Gül and Contreras, María José and Hirsch, Marianne and Howard, Jean and Karaca, Banu and Solomon, Alisa (eds.), New York, USA: Columbia University Press, August 2019, 424-440Irzık, Sibel, "Yaşar Kemal's island of resistance", Resistance in Contemporary Middle Eastern Cultures: Literature, Cinema and Music, Laachir, Karima and Talajooy, Saeed (eds.), London: Routledge 2013, 49-63Irzık, Sibel, "The constructions of victimhood in Turkish Coup d’état novels: is victimhood without innocence possible?", Betraying the Event: Constructions of Victimhood in Contemporary Cultures, Festic, Fatima (ed.), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, May 2009, 3-20Irzık, Sibel, "Orhan Pamuk's snow: re-imagining the boundaries between East and West, art and politics", Europe and Its Boundaries: Words and Worlds, Within and Beyond, Davison, Andrew and Muppidi, Himadeep (eds.), Lenham: Lexington Books 2009, 189-202Irzık, Sibel, "Orhan Pamuk'ta temsil ve siyaset", Orhan Pamuk'un Edebi Dünyası, Kılıç, Engin and Esen, Nüket (eds.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, February 2008, 31-53Irzık, Sibel, "Tutunamayanlar'da çok seslilik ve sınırları", Oğuz Atay'a Armağan: Türk Edebiyatının "Oyun/Bozan"ı, İnci, Handan (ed.), İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, December 2007, 258-266Irzık, Sibel, "Narratives of collectivity and autobiography in Latife Tekin's works", Autobiographical Themes in Turkish Literature: Theoretical and Comparative Perspectives, Akyıldız, Olcay and Kara, Halim and Sagaster, Börte (eds.), Würzburg: Ergon Verlag in Kommission, May 2007, 157-163Irzık, Sibel, "Istanbul (The Black Book, Orhan Pamuk, 1990)", The Novel: Forms and Themes, Moretti, Franco (ed.), Princeton: Princeton University Press, January 2006, 728-735
- Papers in Conference ProceedingsIrzık, Sibel, "Korkuyu beklerken: "ya eşya bir gün delirirse"", İnci, Handan and Türker, Elif (eds.), Ölümünün 30. yılında Oğuz Atay Sempozyumu, İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları 2009Irzık, Sibel, "Kar'da sanat ve siyaset", Aral, Fahri (ed.), Orhan Pamuk Edebiyatı Sempozyumu, İstanbul: Agora Kitaplığı, July 2007, 65-77Irzık, Sibel, "Dostoyevski, modernlik ve adalet", Güler, Kevser and Hızlı, Gamze (eds.), Diyarbakır Sanat Merkezi Adalet Söyleşileri, İstanbul: Anadolu Kültür 2007, 161-171
- Before SU Publications
Books: Deconstruction and the Politics of Criticism. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1990. Edited Books and Journals: Karnavaldan Romana: Mikhail Bakhtin (Selected Writings of M. Bakhtin). Istanbul: Ayrıntı Yayınları, 2001. Relocating the Fault Lines: Turkey Beyond the East-West Divide. South Atlantic Quarterly 102:2/3, Spring/Summer 2003. Kadınlar Dile Düşünce: Toplumsal Cinsiyet ve Edebiyat (Gender and Literature) İstanbul: İletişim Yayınları, 2004. Selected Articles: “M.H.Kingston: Languages and Silences of Being Chinese-American.” Journal of American Studies of Turkey 1(1995) : 57-63. “The Narrative Idiom in Sons and Lovers and The Rainbow.” Journal of English Literature and British Culture 5 (1996): 47-61. “Öznenin Vefatından Sonra Kadın Olarak Okumak.” (Reading as a Woman after the Demise of the Subject) Toplum ve Bilim 75(1997): 33-48. “Istanbul: The Black Book.” In The Novel, Volume 2: Forms and Themes. Ed. Franco Moretti. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006, 728-38. "Allegorical Lives: The Public and the Private in the Modern Turkish Novel." South Atlantic Quarterly 102:2/3, Spring/Summer 2003, 551-66. "Narratives of Collectivity and Autobiography in Latife Tekin's Works." Autobiographical Negotiations: Self and Community in Turkish Literature.Eds. B. Sagaster and O. Akyıldız. Würzburg: Ergon Verlag, Series of the Orient Institute Publications, Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 2006.