Zeynep Gülru Göker

(216) 483 9274
Faculty Member
PhD (2011) Political Science. The City University of New York Graduate Center.
BA (2003) Social and Political Sciences. Sabanci University.
Areas of Interest
Contemporary political theory, feminist theory, democratic theory, deliberative democracy, political participation, gender equality politics, women’s and feminist movements, care ethics and politics
- ArticleÇağatay, Selin and Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Hünler, Olga Selin and Polatdemir, Aslı (2024) "Collective resilience and resistance in hybrid times: gender struggles in Germany, Turkey and Sweden", Gender, Place and Culture, Vol.31, No.11, 1514-1537 (SSCI)Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Polatdemir, Aslı (2024) "The quest for gender equality in universities at the crossroads of neoliberal and anti-gender pressures: the case of Turkey", Globalization, Societies and Education, Vol.22, No.5, 954-966 (ESCI)Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Çelik, Ayşe Betül (2022) "Women's dialogic encounters: agonistic listening and emotions in multiple-identity conflicts", Third World Quarterly (SI), Vol.43, No.6, 1251-1269 (SSCI)Şimga, Hülya and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Women's perceptions on peace and justice: the case of the Kurdish issue in Turkey", Women's Studies International Forum, Vol.87 (SSCI)Çelik, Ayşe Betül and Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Dialogue in polarized societies: women's encounters with multiple others", New Perspectives on Turkey, Vol.64, 31-54 (SSCI)Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2021) "Demokrasiyi uygulayarak öğrenme: müzakere, katılım ve toplumsal cinsiyet", Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, Vol.20, No.2, 862-882 (NA)Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2020) "Galatasaray Meydanı'nda vücut bulan vicdan ve adalet: cumartesi anneleri / insanları", beyond.istanbul (Mekânda Adalet ve Beyoğlu), Vol.9, 170-174 (NA)Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2020) "Özenli vatandaşlık: feminist özen etiğini yeniden politikleştirmek", Journal for Women's Studies, Vol.21, No.1, 89-106 (NA)Göker, Zeynep Gülru (2019) "Memories, stories and deliberation: digital sisterhood on feminist websites in Turkey", European Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.26, No.3, 313-328 (SSCI)O'Neil, Mary Lou and Bencivenga, Rita and Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Uçan Çabukçu, Sevgi (2018) "Perspectives on gender studies in Turkey", AG About Gender - International Journal of Gender Studies, Vol.7, No.14, 208-226 (NA)Göker, Zeynep Gülrü (2018) "Gender, care and welfare: can caretakers allowances or basic income promote gender equality?", Kadın/Woman 2000: Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.19, No.1, 115-130 (NA)Şimga, Fatma Hülya and Göker, Zeynep Gülrü (2017) "Whither feminist alliance? secular feminists and Islamist women in Turkey", Asian Journal of Women's Studies, Vol.23, No.3, 273-293 (SSCI)
- Book Section / ChapterGöker, Zeynep Gülrü, "Üniversitede cinsel tacizi önleme: Koç Üniversitesi'nin hikayesi", Üniversitelerde Cinsel Taciz ve Saldırıyla Mücadele: CTS Çalışmaları, Uygur, Gülriz and Şimga, Fatma Hülya (eds.), Magosa, Kuzey Kıbrıs: Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi Yayınevi, November 2018, 81-88
- Volumes Edited / Special IssuesGöker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk, Mekanda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Özel Sayısı, Mekanda Adalet Derneği, February 2021Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk, beyond.istanbul (Mekânda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet) / v.10, İstanbul: Mekanda Adalet Derneği, February 2021
- Working Paper / Technical ReportDurceylan Kaygusuz, Esra and Filiztekin, Alpay and Göker, Zeynep Gülru, "Türkiye'de kadınların işgücüne katılımı: genel eğilimler, bölgesel ve demografik farklar, tutumlar", August 2024Göker, Zeynep Gülru and Özbay, Cenk and Yedikardeş, Umur, "Türkiye'de akıllı kentleşme ve gençlik politikaları", September 2023
- Before SU Publications
- Baburoglu, O.N. and Z.G. Goker (2014). “Going Large-Scale: The Polling Conference Process for Participatory Constitution-making in Turkey”, Journal of Action Research, 12(4): 374-91. DOI: 10.1177/1476750314538465
Book chapters
- Goker, Z.G. (2016). “The Mourning Mother: Rhetorical Figure or a Political Actor”, In C. Özbay, M. Erol, A. Terzioglu, and Z. U. Turem (Eds.), The Making of Neoliberal Turkey (pp.131-49), London: Routledge. DOI:10.4324/9781315562766
- Baburoglu, O.N., Z.G. Goker and E. Koyuncu (2015). “Symbiosis of Action Research and Deliberative Democracy in the Context of Participatory Constitution-Making”, In H. Bradbury (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Action Research (pp.270-81), 3rd edition. SAGE Publications. DOI:10.4135/9781473921290
- Goker, Z.G. (2011). “Presence in Silence: Feminist and Democratic Implications of the Saturday Vigils in Turkey”, In J. Beinin and F. Vairel (Eds.), Social Movements,Mobilization and Contestation in the Middle East and North Africa (pp.149-66), Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. DOI:10.1515/9780804788038
- Goker, Z.G. (2010). “Democracy in Silence: Speaking, Silence and the Saturday Vigils in Turkey”, In N. Bechter and G. Angelis (Eds.), Problems of Democracy: Probing the Boundaries, Inter-disciplinary Press, Oxford, United Kingdom. (e-book) https://brill.com/view/title/54894
- Göker, Z.G. ve C. Özbay (Eds.) (forthcoming, 2021). Mekanda Adalet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet (Gender and Spatial Justice). Beyond.Istanbul, Mekanda Adalet Derneği.
- Kağıtçıbaşı, Ç., Şimga, H., Önok, M. and Z. G. Göker (Eds.) (2016). Kadın Odaklı (Focused on Women), Istanbul: Koc University Press.
- Karaçay, A. B., Sert, D. S. and Z. G. Goker (Eds.) (2015). Waves of Diversity: Socio-political Implications of International Migration in Turkey, Istanbul: ISIS Press.
- Icduygu, A. and Z. G. Goker (Eds.) (2014). Rethinking Migration and Incorporation in the Context of Transnationalism and Neoliberalism, Istanbul: ISIS Press.
- “Turkey” in Phillippe Fargues (ed.), EU Neighbourhood Migration Report 2013, European University Institute, (Co-authored with Ahmet Içduygu, Lami Bertan Tokuzlu and Seçil Paçacı Elitok)
- “Rusya-Türkiye Göç Sistemi: Göç Akımlarını Ölçmek ve Tahmin Etmek” (The Russian-Turkish Migratory System: Methods of Estimations and Forecasting in Migration Flows), unpublished report, The Scientific and Technological Research Council in Turkey (Co-authored with Ahmet Içduygu and Ayşem Biriz Karaçay).