POLS 393 Political Parties in Türkiye
Select Term:
Within the framework of the historical past and developments of world political parties, Turkish political parties from the past to the present day, will be analysed from a comparative perspective. This analysis will include parties' organisations, their members, their activities, and will also stretch out towards political leadership, parliamentary activities, the sociological bases of political parties, elections and election systems. The relations between parties and regimes, between party systems and party structures will be touched upon. The reasons for the establishment of the political parties in Türkiye as well as their roots, will be taken up within a historical and political context, together with the way they all effect each other. The parties in Türkiye, the party programs, their rules and regulations, elections in Türkiye, analyses of the election results, the struggles between parties, ideologies, the influence of parties on one another, will be studied on the basis of political history and political science, and from a sociological viewpoint.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
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