HUM 222 Major Works of Architecture
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Built environments shape our lives through the very spaces we use. They communicate us certain meanings, which are generally coded in their design. A certain understanding of these codes of architecture is therefore relevant in understanding and evaluating the spaces we live in. This course is designed to introduce major works of architecture to students from all backgrounds. Around the set of selected major works, this course will be an introduction to technical issues such as the basic building materials, structural systems, and proportioning systems, as well as theoretical concerns such as the struggle between form and function, between ornament/skin and structure, and relationship of a structure to its site. Through this introduction, this course mainly aims at acquainting the students with an analytical approach in evaluating the spaces they use, and ultimately the city they live in. In addition to the existing pre-requisite " to have completed 23 credits" for this course , a new condition will be added as "to complete SPS 101 and SPS 102 courses at least with D grade" as of the Fall semester of 2015-2016 Academic Year. Students who failed from SPS 101 and SPS 102 courses, do not have right to take this course.