HART 334 Roman Art in Context
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This course aims to present a survey of Roman art in its archaeological, historical, cultural and social context. Rather than a simple presentation of aesthetically pleasing art objects, the course questions and scrutinizes the peculiar visual language created and conveyed by images. The following questions are discussed: What do we mean by Roman art and what artistic media does it include? How does it relate to Greek art? How did the Romans express power and political agenda through art? How did they express pleasure or self-image? While the presentation of the material is chronological for better understanding, the approach is contextual and thematic. Particular attention is paid to the understanding of the different media, which comprise portrait and relief sculpture, sarcophagi, wall painting, mosaics, and minor arts, such as gems. Students are expected to learn the basics of Roman art and take the first steps in questioning its historical value.
SU Credits : 3.000
ECTS Credit : 6.000
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